Unlocking the secrets in DC’s spoiler-filled ‘Batman’ #28

(CBR) SPOILER ALERT: The following article details many of the key moments in “Batman” #28, on sale today. Do not proceed unless you want to spoil the issue.

When “Batman” writer Scott Snyder promised a spoiler-filled issue for “Batman” #28 that took place six months in the future back in December, it was impossible to predict what kind of surprises the writer had in store. Well, the wait is over, and true to his word, Snyder — along with co-writer James Tynion IV and artists Dustin Nguyen and Derek Fridolfs — delivered with an issue so packed full of answers that the biggest mysteries were the questions it raised.

“‘Batman’ #28 is essentially intermission, and instead of coming back to the present with issue #28 and showing you what’s happening right now currently in ‘Forever Evil,’ we thought we’d show you all the fun stuff that’s coming up later in the year in 2014 in ‘Batman.’ #28 is like a complete spoiler issue because it goes so far ahead and sort of gives away so much of some of the bigger surprises coming in the year,” Snyder said in this week’s installment of DC All Access. “If it had been an issue in ‘Batman Eternal,’ it would be issue #39.5. It really is what’s going to happen and we know how it’s going to happen and what’s coming after it, I promise.”

Check out the biggest surprises from the the New Gotham world order below, and the head over to the forums to help us speculate, ask questions and try to get some answers from the future-shifted issue.