A Son Kept A Childhood Promise He Made And Bought His Dad An Amazing Gift

Father’s Day isn’t until *looks at the used SI Swimsuit calender my dad bought me for Christmas* next week, but don’t bother — you’re going to look like Tom Riddle, Jr. compared to “Belairboy.” As an eight-year-old, he told his dad that “on his 57th birthday I would buy him a 57 bel-air.” He kept his promise.

My dad has been everything to me, he is not my biological father but he IS my father. But this man in this video, my DAD my FATHER, was the best thing that ever happened to me and my mom and I hope I can be a fraction of the man that he is. My real father abandoned me and my mother when I was a child, so I understand to a degree how some of you in the comments feel and I am sorry if this video was hurtful in any way. (Via)

You can donate money to GoFundMe to restore the car, or you can buy your dad something nice, like anything but a tie. Maybe a new barbeque grill, or a hooker, or a hooker who can grill.