Atlus’ Four New ‘Persona’ Games Are All Coming To North America

A few months back, Japanese RPG developer Atlus unveiled a whopping four new entries in their “Japanese teenagers fight demons” series Persona. As is usually the case with JRPGs, especially quirky ones like Persona, western localization was a subject of concern, but today Atlus came out and announced that all four upcoming Persona titles will be coming to North America.

First off, Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, a somewhat cuted-up take on Persona’s regular demon slaying, arrives for 3DS owners this Fall.

Next up, the big one, Persona 5 will be coming out on PS3 sometime in 2015.

Finally, new Persona fighting game Persona 4 Arena Ultimax hits Fall 2014, and yes, you can even play the wacky Persona dancing game sometime in 2015!

Here you go Vita owners, something to look forward to in 2015. 

I’m not sure that I need to play four Persona games over the next year-or-so, but I’m definitely looking forward to flirting with schoolgirls in Persona 5. Er, I mean, killing demons in Persona 5! Mmm-boy, dungeon hacking!

via Kotaku