Let’s Celebrate IPA Day (Which Should Be Every Day) With A Collection Of Beer GIFs

Well folks, it wouldn’t be a day ending in –y if people weren’t celebrating a made-up holiday, and today was no different, as people celebrated IPA Day as if they needed an actual reason to enjoy their favorite India Pale Ales. After all, IPAs are selling faster than any other types of beer, so it was only natural that someone – Ashley Routson and Ryan A. Ross, to be specific – would declare the first Thursday of August to be the official day of honoring these delicious gifts that trace back to 19th century England.

If I know one thing about IPAs, though, it’s that everyone has a favorite, and people in every state and country think that their IPAs are the best. That’s why I dare not try to tell people which IPAs they should enjoy, nor would I be daring enough to make a list that ranks them, lest I wish to call an angry mob of beer lovers upon the UPROXX castle. I’m also an amateur when it comes to tasting IPAs, and I’ll gladly acknowledge my naiveté and just say that my personal favorite is Swamp Ape.

But I do trust the folks at Beer Advocate, and I’ve made their list of Most Popular IPAs my own personal checklist, so let’s celebrate making every day IPA Day with a little beer GIF party.

Hey, that’s not beer!

And perhaps the most important beer GIF of them all…

(GIFs via)