Check Out Bradley Cooper’s Manly Transformation For Clint Eastwood’s ‘American Sniper’

Bradley Cooper is set to play Navy SEAL Chris Kyle in Clint Eastwood’s new movie American Sniper, so naturally, he had to get completely buff to play the role. How does he look? Well take a look for yourself:

You get a better look of Cooper’s new physique over here, but you can tell the guy has been keeping up with his Planet Fitness membership. Supposedly this is some amazing transformation that I won’t believe, but I can still tell that’s Bradley Cooper. He didn’t magically turn into C. Thomas Howell or something.

Clearly got the beard and the body for the role, but can he snipe as well as a 12 year old kid in Call of Duty who WON’T LEAVE ME ALONE?! I guess we’ll have to wait and see when the movie comes out.

(Via The Huffington Post)