Donald Trump Jr.’s ‘New York Times’ Photo Has The Internet Cracking Up And Cracking Jokes

Donald Trump Jr. fancies himself somewhat of a rugged hunter type. (The slicked back 80s Reaganaut hair presumably leaves his trophy animals dazed before being killed.) This part of his persona was placed on full display in a New York Times piece that featured the president’s spawn in the woods and clad in plaid. Naturally, Twitter, Instagram and quite possibly the semi-animated corpse of MySpace had a field day with Trump Jr.’s attempt to project outdoorsy contemplation.

Trump Jr.’s NYT stump-sitting showcase certainly makes the guy look like the world’s least comfortable would-be LL Bean model, although we’d be remiss if we didn’t address the value the Trump administration seems to place on his hunting buddies.

On Friday, Politico reported that lil’ Donald’s hunting bro Jason Hairston to “serve as serve as a liaison among himself, [Interior Secretary Ryan] Zinke, sportsmen’s groups and the White House on conservation and public lands issues.” Hairston, an ex NFL linebacker and founder of the hunting brand Kuiu, stated to Politico that he is “absolutely” taking the position. There’s a quirk to that Hairston’s new role, though. An Interior Department official has told the outlet that such a role hasn’t been created and White House deputy press secretary Stephanie Grisham has noted there have been no new personnel announcements.