And Another Reason To Hate Dwight Howard’s B*tch A**

I’ve kept quiet on the Lakers this season off the strength I don’t have much vested in the team or their dealings. The Dwight Howard saga though? Lakers faithful are at their wits’ end, openly demanding to trade him (even though there is much more wrong with the team than just him). Lakers haters, they’re loving every second of what has the makings to be the biggest team face-dive collapse in my 27 years of existence.

To make matters worse, the past two years of pure hell just received an added dose of gasoline with Stephen A. Smith’s latest revelation.

“Dwight told Rudy Gay on the court in a recent Lakers-Raptors game that ‘he should’ve waited to get traded [to the Raptors] because he could’ve joined him in Brooklyn next season.'” [NGNG]

Given Dwight’s track record and his uneasiness about playing in L.A. off jump, who knows. Needless to say, take everything with a grain of salt and an “allegedly” here. However, if we hark back to the summer of 2010, remember SAS was the first to report Miami would be signing LeBron James, Dwyane Wade AND Chris Bosh. Everyone laughed it off and called it B.S. Until, you know, it actually happened.

At this point, all it’s going to take now is for Dwight to drop 32 and 16 on Sunday at the All-Star Game for Lakers’ fans to spontaneously combust. Either that or openly boo him at home games. Until next time folks. Thanks for reading the latest installment of As The Lakers Turn.

Ed. Note: Stephen A. must have meant on-court during the Lakers-Grizzlies game January 23. Rudy Gay wasn’t traded to Toronto until January 31. The last time LA played the Raptors was January 20.