Hugh Hefner’s Son Admits ‘Personal Embarassment’ Over Donald Trump Once Appearing On A ‘Playboy’ Cover

At one point during the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump falsely claimed that former Miss Universe Alicia Machado had a sex tape after Machado criticized him. Since Donald Trump always has a past public instance that is the opposite of whatever he is saying, it quickly came out that Trump himself had once appeared in a, uh, film produced by Playboy. That was not the first time that Trump and Playboy had teamed up: he previously appeared on the cover of the magazine.

Playboy has undergone a makeover of sorts recently since longtime publisher Hugh Hefner stepped aside. Hefner’s son Cooper is one of the company’s chief decision-makers now and wants to distance the company from its former association with the president, via a Hollywood Reporter interview:

It’s what hasn’t changed, though, that Cooper sees as his opening. He observes that the country has been reverting to a reactionary cultural conservatism remarkable in its similarity to the Eisenhower years when Playboy was founded. (President Trump is widely known to have venerated Hugh, but the feeling isn’t mutual: “We don’t respect the guy,” says Cooper. “There’s a personal embarrassment because Trump is somebody who has been on our cover.”)

It’s official: pornographers are part of the resistance.

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)