Jon Stewart On 'Lame' Instagram: 'How In God's Name Is That Worth A Billion Dollars?'

Add Jon Stewart to the long list of people baffled by the appeal of the “lame” photosharing app Instagram and why Facebook would pony up a billion dollars for it.

“A billion dollars of money?,” Stewart wondered. “For a thing that kind of ruins your pictures?”

He also weighed in on Google Glasses — which the internet has been having a lot of fun with — saying, “It’s like a nose-mounted version of the Google we love…the world’s largest database of people wizzing in public. But now, it will be like they’re peeing right in your eye.” About the guy in the video using the glasses on the street, he added, “In New York City, that motherf*cker is going to get hit by a car.” But then Daily Show senior youth correspondent Jessica Williams comes in and takes the old man to school.


Additionally, Paypal co-founder Elon Musk was the guest on the show last night to discuss his space exploration projects…