Rube Goldberg Reincarnated in Minecraft?

Minecraft is rapidly becoming the biggest timesuck in nerddom this side of World of Warcraft or refining the fembot source code. People are building Enterprises and Benders and logic circuits with what amounts to the Internet’s favorite Lego set. And, of course, you can spend hours building a ridiculous, pointless Rube Goldberg machine. Which is exactly what this guy did, mostly to make Reddit happy.
What gets us is the sheer amount of man-hours this guy had to put into this, even if he was running Beta. That’s a heck of a lot of work, even more planning, and even more testing, just to blow something up. On the other hand, he’s getting featured on a website, so it was probably worth it. Video on the next slide.

[ via the constructor fleet at the Daily What ]