That Time Christopher Walken Went Hitchhiking In New York City

NEW YORK CITY: the Big Apple, the Home of Lady Liberty, the City That Never Sleeps, the Place Where You Can Give Christopher Walken a Ride When He Unsuccessfully Tries to Hail a Cab.

I was driving down Amsterdam Avenue on the Upper West Side with my friend Ash on Tuesday. Ash yelled, “yo man, that was the king of New York.” I pulled over and backed up all the way down the block. Christopher Walken was hailing a cab. We told him we are huge fans and offered him a lift.

He responded politely, “I don’t want you guys to go out of your way. I am going straight downtown and you can leave me anywhere.” We told him we would be more than happy to drive him downtown and to hop in. He got in the car and we went on talking about stories from growing up in the city. He is an incredibly nice person, the conversation was great and Mr. Walken thanked us again for the ride. (Via)

“Sometimes when I’m walking… on the road at night… I see two strangers coming toward me. Fast. I have this sudden impulse to run away quickly, head-on into my apartment building…”

(Via Reddit, via Gothamist)