Hilarious ‘Vintage’ Romney/Ryan Campaign Poster And Buttons Available On eBay

Oh hey have you heard that there’s a big presidential debate going down tonight in Denver, home of the Mitt Romney’s favorite Chipotle employee? Well there is! And while it’s highly likely that human eloquence machine Barack Obama will wipe the floor with painfully awkward cyborg Mitt Romney, both sides are hilariously trying to lower expectations about their candidate’s performance. Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing Mitt attempt to appeal to moderate swing voters — a block he must win over if he wants to be president — while also being the torch-bearer for his party’s hard turn to the right of late. That should make for OUTSTANDING television. Oh, and let’s not forget about the “zingers” Romney’s reportedly honing in debate practice.

Speaking of the GOP’s longing for the good ole days, a time when all “gals” needed to practice effective birth control was an aspirin and two knees, the shift toward the fringe has inspired Thompson Harrell, a New York based advertising creative director, and Nick Zafonte, a New York-based writer/director, to create the wonderful vintage 1950’s Romney/Ryan campaign poster above as well as the campaign buttons you see below.

Here’s how Harrell and Zafonte describe their “Yesteryear Collectables” work…

DETAILS: Although the ideology is dated by the standards and progress of recent history, this original Romney/Ryan 1950’s campaign poster and button set are a fantastic representation of a period this great country overcame.

CONDITION: Poster is crisp and clean with subtle yellowing, no rips or folds. Buttons are in great shape with little to minimal patina formed along the backside. These iconic items are as close to perfect as you can get from the 1950’s era.

DIMENSIONS: Poster measurements are 18” x 24”, and buttons are 2 1/4 inch.

SPECIAL NOTE: We will make a donation matching 100% of the final bid toward Obama for America. We are in no way affiliated to Barack Obama’s re-election campaign nor the DNC. Just folks who think we should move forward, not backward. Cheers.

If you care to own any of this must-have stuff, you can do so via eBay. Myself, I’m kind of jonesing to own this campaign button, in particular…

The “we’re with Mitt” on the oven Mitt just kills me.

(Pics via Yesteryear Collectables)