Watch This Amazing Rescue Of A Dog That Had Fallen Into A Pool Of Hot Tar

This poor dog had fallen into a tar pit in India, and after he got himself out, the tar quickly hardened to the point that he could no longer move and he became stuck to the ground. The dog probably would have died of starvation or the elements, but thankfully a passerby saw him struggling and a rescue organization, Animal Aid Unlimited, was called in. It took the rescuers three hours over the course of two days to massage all of the tar out using vegetable oil, but thankfully they were able to help the pup who is now happy and healthy.

This is a much more harrowing story than the time I was at the La Brea Tar Pits and a bird got stuck in the tar. We all watched the bird get stuck in the tar and then a park ranger came and got the bird out of the tar. As he took the bird away to be cleaned, he was like, “happens all the time.”