Everybody Is Showing Wolf Blitzer Pictures Of Turtles For This Strange And Silly Reason

You may have noticed, but the internet is not exactly fun anymore. Ever since our Cheetos-colored commander-in-chief clowned his way into the Oval Office (and during the time leading up), Twitter has devolved into a dumpster fire of partisan squabbling, trolls, Russians this and impeachment that — a place where it’s now perfectly ordinary to wake up and see that “Donald Trump is unintelligible” is top trending.

So in these troubling times, in the event something becomes a meme for just completely wholesome and funny reasons, we’ll take it. Enter Wolf Blizter, who posted a picture of a turtle on Facebook earlier this week with the most chill observation ever.

You know, Wolf is right — it is always nice to see a turtle! I mean who doesn’t like turtles? Turtles, tortoises, terrapins … they’re all great. (Well okay, the jury is still out on snapping turtles, maybe just don’t offer your hand to one like a sandwich though.)

At any rate, the pun-loving CNN host’s photo started to go viral, and people just want to give the man what he wants. Thus, the hashtag #ShowWolfATurtle was conceived, as the Internet has banded together to, well, show Wolf a turtle.







As your resident Uproxx turtle enthusiast, even I had to get in on the action: