The Jon Hamm Emotions Challenge

The emotional range of Jon Hamm has long fascinated us around these parts and I fully endorse all things Hamm-related as he is the celebrity every celebrity should strive to be: smart, funny, and talented without taking himself seriously. If his new contract didn’t make him Saudi prince tier rich and he wasn’t more handsome than your mom on her wedding night you could argue he’s the complete anti-celebrity.

When new Tumblrs dedicated to my boy Hamm-Bone (also answers to Hammster, Hamm-Dogg, J-Hamm, and Captain Fingerbang) pop up I pay attention. I would have gone with “Hammotions” over “Emotions with Jon Hamm” but the idea of compiling a ton of photos of the dude being awesome is something I can’t argue with, especially when this intro accompanies it:

One day, Jon Hamm realized that he is the best human in the universe in the having a face department, so he decided to bless us all by becoming an actor. Emotions with Jon Hamm is a celebration of his craft.

Since no emotions are actually assigned to any of the images in the Tumblr I have to assume this is a direct challenge from the curator to dust off our thesauruses and identify the exact emotion this brilliant son of a b*tch has hit on the nose. I’ve risen to the challenge.





Source: Emotions with Jon Hamm