Meme Watch: Watch Out, We Got A Bada$s Over Here

This meme, also known as the Neil deGrasse Tyson Reaction, is a rage comic character based on an outline drawing of astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson from this video where he discusses why Sir Isaac Newton was a bada$s. On August 25th, 2011, a .gif from the video was uploaded on Reddit, and redditor Hippopoptimus_Prime replied to the .gif with the line drawing above. On October 23rd, 2011, redditor Onlyhereforthelaughs used the line drawing in a comic that made the front page of Reddit. Two days later, redditor GiggleAtTheGoatse added the caption, “Watch out guys, we’re dealing with a badass over here.” On November 7th, redditor fairlydeadfellow shortened the phrase and uploaded a clean .png file for everyone’s use. Sheesh, attributing things on the internet is hard.

The character is now used primarily to mock “hardcore” statements made by dorks, although there have been some creative alternative uses as well. We’ve collected some our favorites along with six new ones I made. Watch out, we’ve got a badass slideshow over here.




































Take that, Advent Calendar. [via]

Neil deGrasse Tyson back in the day [via]



