Aziz Ansari Photoshopped Into Famous Hip Hop Album Covers As Only Aziz Himself Could Have Imagined

Ever found yourself wondering what it would look like if Aziz Ansari’s likeness was photoshopped into iconic hip hop album covers? No? Me neither. But I’m certain Aziz himself has, so for the purposes of this post we’re just going to assume the anonymous editing wizard behind Emceez Ansari is Mr. Tom Haverford himself.

Aziz recently shared the site on Tumblr, adding: “THANKS TO WHOEVER MADE THIS BLOG!!!” Wink wink, amirite?

Four versions of note collaged above. Toss up between “The Blueprint 2” and “The Carter IV” for which modified cover will haunt my dreams harder. Check out the rest here.

Via The High Definite