Meme Watch: Once You See The Restored Face Of Jesus, You Cannot Unsee The Restored Face Of Jesus

On Wednesday, bad art snob Vince (you should see the way he looks at those who use Crayolas instead of good ol’ vending machine crayons) told you about Cecilia Gimenez, the 80-year-old woman who recently “restored” a century-old ecce homo fresco of Jesus at a church in Spain. John Turturro is not happy. Her finished product is quite the scandal over there, but over here, in the land of irony and Paintings of Light, we make fun of such scandals, which is why it took all of three seconds before the first parodies of Gimenez’s unintentional parody began popping up online. Here are but a few of the best Jesus Fresco meme images and GIFs.





















