Let’s Take A Quick Look Around Anna Kendrick’s New And Geeky Instagram Account, Shall We?

Anna Kendrick won me over with talented acting and late night cup playing, so when it was brought to my attention this morning that she recently started an Instagram account and one of the first images she shared was of herself in a Direwolves shirt and a caption including “nerd boner” I decided I should probably do us all a public service and scroll through with non-creeper intentions.

If it’s not already clear, Ms. Kendrick is that rare legit female celebrity geek exception who proves the rule. Instead of Star Wars love she makes Reddit mentions on talk shows and quotes James Bond movies on Twitter. So while this sampling is less raunchy and more nerdy than Eliza Coupe’s offering I’d wager Anna is more the girl you’d like to stalk on the internet with your parents. Or something like that.

Source: AnnaKendrick47