This New ‘Man Of Steel’ Trailer Is Just Making The Wait For The Movie’s Release Unbearable

Not gonna lie, I was skeptical about how good another Superman movie would be mostly because Superman as a character is just so hard to relate to and build a compelling story around. He basically has every power ever and the crappiest rogues gallery around. I mean, his main villain is essentially Donald Trump. So no matter how great a movie looks, I found it hard to get into a Supes flick.

Well color me wrong as hell. Man Of Steel looks like it’s going to kick ass, steal lunch money and not ask for forgiveness. This trailer is called “Fate Of Your Planet” and it’s narrated by Zod. Who beats the dog urine out of Superman, which is nice to watch. If this movie isn’t one of the 23 best flicks of all time, it’ll be a letdown. Seriously, this looks epic in every way possible.