And Now, Even More Fantastic News Bloopers From 2014

News anchors are like teachers and parents in that we rarely see them curse, they don’t seem to understand sexual innuendo, and they often come off like a well-put-together authority figure. Which is why it’s so much fun to watch them occasionally stumble a little as their very scripted actions are undermined by technical f*ckups and regular folks who are eager to say and do whatever they want on camera.

On Sunday, we showed you a collection of truly fantastic bloopers. And in this latest news blooper video, we see more of the usual blend of benign screw-ups, a little bit of background dork N’ boob, and one of Howard Stern’s minions causing trouble. What’s special about this video, though, is the sight of Cowboy Batman taking a gut punch from an older fellow. This is truly a golden age, chum of chums.

Source: YouTube