It’s Now Hip To Be In Hufflepuff, Says J.K. Rowling

So much Harry Potter news today. This latest piece comes from the story’s creator herself, J.K. Rowling, who tweeted about the lucky streak that Hufflepuff has recently embarked on. In celebration of Hufflepuff winning the House Cup on Pottermore, the Harry Potter spinoff online game, Rowling tweeted, “This is starting to feel like the dawn of the Age of Hufflepuff… #FantasticBeasts.”

Here is the tweet she’s referring to:

Just over a week ago, when James Potter, Harry’s son officially started Hogwarts, Rowling also revealed that Teddy Lupin was a Hufflepuff, just like his mother, Tonks. He was also Head Boy.

Other notable Hufflepuffs include the dearly departed Cedric Diggory, and the herbology teacher, Professor Sprout, who is currently Hufflepuff’s Head of House. Newt Scamander, author of Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, is a Hufflepuff as well. Eddie Redmayne is currently playing Scamander in the movie adaptation of Scamander’s life story.

Despite this illustrious pedigree, Hufflepuff is still known among Harry Potter fans as the least sexy house of the bunch. It seems that everyone wants to be in Gryffindor, known for bravery, or Ravenclaw, know for intelligence, and even Slytherin (because evil is never boring). Oh well, there are worse things than being known for friendliness and loyalty, and Hufflepuff is finally getting its moment in the sun for that, and more.

(h/t Entertainment Weekly)