Here’s The Funny Surprise One Woman Received After Leaving Her Phone In A Bar Bathroom

Ordinarily, if someone loses their phone while on a night out on the town, it’s highly unlikely they’ll ever see that phone again. But every now and then a Good Samaritan comes along and does the right thing, and if the person is really lucky, that Good Samaritan has a bit of fun before handing the phone over to a helpful bartender. The latter happened to one man’s girlfriend, who writes on Reddit: “[Girlfriend] forgot her phone on the toilet at a bar, this video was on it when she got it back in the morning.”

In typical Australian fashion (the bar where the phone was found was located in Tasmania), the drunken gentleman who found the phone promptly blares into the video message, “Hey! We found your phone in the sh*tter!” before passing it around to all of his equally drunken friends. Of course, what the guy’s girlfriend was doing, allegedly snorting blow (according to the merry pranksters) on the back of a toilet of the men’s room is a whole other story into itself, but hey! At least she got her phone back. Maybe she should have kept the video to herself though, as many commenters on the Reddit thread have helpfully pointed out.