This ‘Girls One Upping Each Other’ Video May Be The Funniest Thing You See Today

The SkitBox channel may have it coming after this video where two long-lost friends encounter each other on a jogging trail. The two ladies — who were probably never real pals but more like frenemies — proceed to one up each other again and again. Jewelry, significant others, jobs, sick family members, mental illness, and death are all on the table. The goal of the video appears to be poking fun at the inherent competitiveness of first-world women.

You know the stereotype — ladies who have nothing better to do than make other women feel badly about themselves. Men bear the competitive reputation too (albeit to a lesser degree), but very few people truly act this way. So, this skit could be considered offensive, as if these ladies possess no individualized social traits other than trying to push the other one down. Yet this skit feels subversive, as if the makers’ true intentions are to poke fun at the people who hold such stereotypes about women.

The buildup between the two ladies burns so slowly, but the audience knows it’s all in fun. When the hammer drops at the end, justice is swift and fast, and both ladies are left moaning on the ground due to feigned heart attacks. Laughing at such a video is preferable to getting all worked up over a comedy skit. Women can laugh at themselves, and there’s no reason to stop doing so now.