World’s Coolest Dad Uses Special Effects To Turn His Three-Year-Old Into An Action Movie Star

Every parent thinks of their kid as a tiny hero. But one dad is using his video editing skills to make his three-year-old look like one, digitally giving his boy special powers and gadgets to enhance playtime to the fullest. And lucky for us, he’s uploading his entertaining short clips to YouTube.

As the talented dad behind the Action Movie Kid YouTube account put its: “My 3-year-old kid is awesome. He gets into some epic situations which remind me that life is an adventure.”

Here are some of the best Action Movie Kid clips:

Shopping For Lightsabers

Grappling Gun

Playing At The Breakfast Table

Another Destructive Toys ‘R Us Visit

The Hyperdrive

The Floor Is Lava

LEGO Blaster

Water Gun

McDonald’s Play Place

Fireworks At Disneyland

Wet Floor

Action Movie Kid