Amber Rose Defended Kim Kardashian With An Invitation To Speak At The 2016 Slutwalk

In a shocking turn of events, Kim Kardashian has become an activist of sorts, spearheading a conversation online about slut-shaming and what women “should” and “should not” do. The dialogue exploded rather quickly, as many celebrities have chimed in and Kim has fought off her detractors with some very Kanye-esque tweets.

Pink’s attack on Kardashian on Wednesday morning drew the ire of the internet and the irony police, yet it also brought one particularly interesting defender out into the open: Amber Rose. Yes, Kanye’s ex — the sometimes friend, sometimes enemy of the Kardashian clan — has come to Kim’s defense on social media.

Rose spoke directly to Pink first, saying that she should “let another grown woman live as she wishes.”

Related: Pink’s Response To Kim Kardashian’s Selfie Gets Hastily Shut Down

Then she directed a second message to Kardashian herself, defending her decision to post her body online and inviting her and and her sisters to speak at her 2016 Slutwalk.

Being Slut shamed and ridiculed is not fun it’s hurtful and mean. Us women deal with it everyday and I’m happy u can speak openly on this now because if anyone knows what it’s like to be Slut Shamed it’s u! Live it Kim! Make a difference and speak on it! Not only when it’s convenient for u but when u can help others. Last year at my Slutwalk I told my Slut shaming story. This year I would love for u to come and tell urs. This is an open invite from me to u and ur sisters are welcomed too ? Let’s let the naysayers know u are so much more then a sex tape (13 years ago) ? fuck it own it. Ur a mom and a business woman, a wife, sister and daughter. Hope we can make this happen #AmberRoseSlutWalk2016

Kim Kardashian — feminist and activist. That’s going to take some getting used to.

Now Watch: Kim Kardashian’s Nude Selfie Ignites A Twitter War