Batman Also Has A Problem With Apple Maps (As Do Katniss And Jack Torrance)

We’ve been kvetching for awhile about the disastrous Apple Maps from the newest iOS 6 update, even going so far as to put together a gallery of parodies. Now another great set of parodies by show what happens when the Apple Maps App gets its sticky peanut butter fingers into various cinematic universes.

The first video below — and by far my favorite — let’s us know what would happen if Batman tried to save Rachel with the help of Apple Maps in The Dark Knight. Totally worth it for the ending alone. The other two parodies show Katniss trying to find the Cornucopia in The Hunger Games and Jack Torrance trying to navigate through the hedge maze at the Overlook Hotel. Great party, isn’t it?

Check out the videos below, and let us know when you see the bridge.

[Hat tip to The High Definite. Banner picture by Kevin Knight Photography.]