Christina Hendricks Thinks She’d Be The Perfect Fit For A Role On ‘Game Of Thrones’

While I’m sure there will plenty to see of Christina Hendricks come this Sunday when Mad Men returns for its final season: part one, it doesn’t mean that’s the only glance of Ms. Hendricks we will get this week. She stopped by Conan tonight to promote the return of Don Draper and the crew, but also put to bed the rumors that she is interested in working on Game Of Thrones.

In fact, she hasn’t even seen the show. The rumor was born by red carpet small talk, much like the latest Goonies rumor, and spiraled out of control from there. Way to get our hopes up, Hollywood!

Hendricks added fuel to the fire by saying she feels she’d look great in the outfits they have in Westeros, which the point where I blacked out because my inner-nerd collided with my brain. If I don’t see Joan in some sort of animal fur bikini before the end of the week, I’m going to be very disappointment in the creeps of the internet.

(Via Team Coco)