A Drunk Vermont Man Kept Crashing His Vehicles Until Police Finally Gave Him A DUI

Vermont State Police encountered a trio of vehicles along the side of the road over the weekend, and it didn’t take long for the officers to attribute all of them to one man: 48-year-old Dwayne Fenlason.

Straight from the police report:

During the course of that investigation, it was discovered that Dwayne Fenlason drove his pickup truck off Bunker Hill Rd and went home to get his other pickup truck to pull out his truck. Fenlason then drove off the road again with his second truck while he was enroute to the truck he drove off the road originally. Subsequently, Fenlason returned home to retrieve his ATV which he drove on the road and attempted to pull out his truck.

Fenlason’s preliminary breath sample of 0.30% BAC was four times the legal limit. He was released after receiving a single DUI citation. So, three for the price of one?