Eric Andre Continues His Convention Coverage From Somewhere Near The DNC

Eric Andre has shown he has an unexpected knack for reporting the news. Last week, the comedian visited the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, where he trolled the crowd and was accosted by Alex Jones supporters who made it clear that he was not, I repeat, not Martin Luther King.” The whole situation was a little jarring for him, so what did he do for an encore? Visit the Democratic National Convention.

Andre headed to Philadelphia for the DNC where it was just as crazy as the RNC. After having his press passes revoked at the RNC, Andre was questioning why he was even at the DNC. Instead of hitting the convention floor, Andre visited the numerous political camps that were set up around the Wells Fargo Center.

Never one to be subtle, Andre trolled the attendees with these antics:

  • Asking them to smell a sock he bought dirt cheap
  • Washed Uber driver’s windows
  • Perform a mean Anthony Kiedis impression
  • Have a makeout session with a pretty crummy Hillary Clinton impersonator

But the comedian left the best for last as he traveled outside the convention limits to ask the hard hitting questions. Andre roamed the streets of Philadelphia asking passersby if they believe in society’s lies. That question sits on the site of ambiguity, but a lot of his comedy tends to be a bit on the surreal and confusing side.