‘I Am Legend’ Is Being Rebooted By A Former iPhone Salesman

I Am Legend is a surprisingly good retelling of the novel of the same name from Richard Matheson, even if it does fail a crucial test for many viewers. And ever since, Warner Bros. has been trying to crack a sequel. And now, they might be poised for a reboot instead thanks to an iPhone salesman.

Gary Graham was working in the Apple Store in Manhattan when he posted a script online, A Garden At The End Of The World, that caught Hollywood’s attention. Described as an sci-fi version of The Searchers, it wound up at Warner Bros. and is now apparently being rewritten as an I Am Legend reboot.

For those unfamiliar, The Searchers is a movie about a young man and his sociopathic uncle trying to find a young woman abducted by the Comanches, with the uncle intending to kill her if she’s “gone native.” Considering there’s a scene where John Wayne gets a laugh out of mutilating a corpse, you could say it’s a fairly dark story, and the overall idea is well suited to the general tone of I Am Legend. Of course, this still has to get made, but at least there’s an inspiring story to come out of it, either way.