Kevin Durant Had His Jersey Number In Points At The Drew League

Even when he’s not at work, Kevin Durant’s on some court putting in work.

Using a bit of downtime from constructing his team for Nike’s #SummerIsSerious campaign, Trey5 stopped by the famed Drew League to get some shots up to the tune of 35 points (and 17 rebounds). To be that tall, with that range and those sort of handles is just unfair. But it’s damn sure a pleasure to witness.

Just watching the video makes me long for the start of the NBA season. The same NBA season that starts in exactly 93 days for those keeping track at home.

Update: KD’s missed three following World Peace’s two missed free throws giving Game’s Money Gang a 92-90 victory over Baron Davis’ LAUNFD. For those who care about these sorts of things, the stat lines looked like this:

Durant – 35 points, 17 rebounds
World Peace – 29 points, 13 rebounds (and one technical foul for throwing the ball at an opposing player)
DeMar DeRozen – 27 points, 11 rebounds

Photo: Getty