It’d Be Hard To Have A Bad Day If This Kid Told Us Goodbye Every Morning

If not for coffee — lots and lots of coffee — mornings would suck. Who really wants to wake up at the crack of dawn for anything? And we haven’t even begun to talk commuting. Point is, mornings just aren’t that great. But imagine having this adorable little fella to shower you with well wishes before heading out into this cold, cruel world?

Twitter user Nay shared the most awesome clip of a kid she babysits telling her goodbye on Twitter. And not just a regular goodbye, but one that would bring a smile to and warm the heart of any person walking out the door. “I love you so much! Have a good day! Bye!” yells the enthusiastically delightful boy in the lighthearted video, which has been retweeted 14,000 times. However, things escalate pretty quickly with Nay and the little boy engaging in an “I love you” shouting match, which the kid wins with an ear-piercing “I love you!” before hilariously requesting his mom to close the door.

Nay accurately describes the clip as her “favorite video on the Internet,” and for the time being, I second that emotion. “Cats getting high on catnip” will just have to settle with being number two.

(Via OMGImNay)