Monday Night Football Drinking Bingo: Read-Option Edition

Well folks Thanksgivings here (I have some fun w/ it and call it “Turkey Day”). Alot of you will be travelling to your family or significant others houses later on this week, so tonight might be your last best opportunity to get “football drunk” by yourself or with your cool friends and cuss as much as you like. You need to make the most of this opportunity and you should do so by playing a long with my bingo game.

Tonights match-up of Robert Griffin the Third Reich and College Kaperneck is what I like to call the “Read-Option Bowl” because its probably a better idea to pick up a book and look at words for 4 hours then it is to watch these two try to make a NFL throw. The only way you can make this game bearable is to get so drunk that you think your watching Manning verse Brady again and Im here to help.

Drink 10 seconds for every square you get. You can play tonights bingo game with either winecoolers or Hennesy and in honor of the two QBs if you get a bingo you have to shotgun a Gatorade or shave off a eyebrow its your call. My prediction? We finally find out if Kirk Cousins is ready for primetime tonight and the answer just might suprise you. (Yes.)