Norfolk Is Being Defended By A Vigilante Superhero With A Strangely Familiar Nickname

In this social media driven, post-Kick Ass world, real-life vigilante superheros are becoming all the more common, as we recently learned that there’s a whole community of them out there (as well as why you probably shouldn’t challenge one to a fight). The latest of these DIY superheroes has popped up in Norfolk, Virginia, which is now being defended by a costume-wearing 20-year-old man who goes by the Black Widow (no, not that one) or his alias Matsuda Yuuma — which he said was born into life after he was bitten by a spider two years ago (no, not that one, either).

Virginia’s WTKR News 3 recently caught up with the Black Widow, a self-proclaimed martial arts Black Belt, who told reporter Brian Hill that he was already making a difference on the mean streets on Norfolk. “I stopped fights in some of the bars around here,” he said. “I stopped carjacking in dormant areas. I stopped a woman from being assaulted.” While News 3 unfortunately wasn’t able to catch Black Widow in crime-stopping action, they did manage to capture some sweet jumps and other karate moves he showed off for their cameras.

But Black Widow is quick to point out that he does not consider himself a vigilante in the traditional sense of the world. “I’m here to provide and help out my community however possible,” he told News 3. “Help out the homeless, make sure nobody is doing nothing wrong. For the most part, teaching others to be free and be themselves.”

(Via WTKR News 3)