This Skin Care Clinic Was Forced To Close Because Of A Super Unfortunate Name

A Reddit user pointed out the following website of an EXTREMELY poorly-named skin care and acne clinic, The Facial Room, which has apparently been forced to shut down after getting unwanted traffic from Russian porn sites. Just go ahead and get your Beavis and Butthead giggling out of the way now, fartknockers.

Yeah!!!!! F*ck you, Vistaprint! Take your affordable yet crappy business cards and pervert-magnet websites and go home. If you’re wondering, it seems as though this is 100% legitimate or else someone really had to go to a lot trouble to create a hoax — as we’ve found both business listings and a web archive of the pre-pornified site. Let this be a warning to future business owners. No matter HOW good you think your business name is, just do yourself a favor and run it through Urban Dictionary first.