The Neil Patrick Harris Venn Diagram

With A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas opening tomorrow I wanted to do something NPH related, you know, because NPH is awesome. Dude made me wish I’d watched the Tonys live, so I’m certain there’s nothing he can’t do. I was planning on running with an NPH-themed Awesome People Hanging Out Together (+Christina Hendricks, +Colbert, and +his fam at Halloween would have highlighted) but then the thought crossed my mind that the only reason I’d see the new Harold & Kumar flick is because of NPH, and the only reason I ever tune into How I Met Your Mother is because of NPH (Jason Segel, you’re also cool in my book), AND I’ve been meaning to try my hand at a venn diagram for a while, so there you have it.

The +Christina Hendricks party pic from a couple of years ago is after the jump if venn diagrams aren’t your thing, which is kinda weird since you’re on the internet right now.