Watch 50 Cent And A Golden Retriever Coach Basketball In The Fake Trailer For ‘Coach Bud’

File this one under the “why isn’t this real” category because I know a few people who would watch this religiously. It’s Coach Bud, from the makers of Air Bud. This comes from 50 Cent’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live and honestly leaves me short for words. I would probably watch a movie where 50 Cent coaches basketball, but toss in a dog coach, Connie Britton, bestiality, Paul Giamatti, and the power of Disney to really knock up the perfection.

So what if it’s made to be direct-to-DVD or a parody on a show? Make this happen today. Do it for Prince Pumpkin Spice Latte III:

(Via Jimmy Kimmel Live)