Charlie Sheen Beefed On Twitter With The Doctor Who Claimed To Cure HIV

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Getty Image / MJ Kim / RMCC

Charlie Sheen is denying claims he’s been cured of HIV with the use of goat’s milk. The claims were made by “Dr.” Samir Chachoua who treated the Two And A Half Men actor and also injected himself with Sheen’s HIV-positive blood.

Soon after learning he was HIV positive, Sheen sought the services of the controversial “doctor” in Mexico with the hopes of being cured. Surprisingly, the goat milk treatment Dr. Chachou had Charlie under didn’t work at all. The CAEV virus in goat milk didn’t “destroy HIV” and protect Sheen,” like Dr. Chachoua said it would and only made Charlie even more ill since Dr. Chachou convinced him to stop taking his medication.

Sheen went on Twitter and called his former doctor a Pinocchio for his false “I cured Charlie Sheen” claims.

Dr. Chachoua remains certain he’s cured Charlie, tweeting back, “Every single test when you were on my treatment showed virus non-detectible. Every day you were on my treatment you felt incredible.”

If Charlie Sheen were truly cured, I don’t think that’s the kind of news he would keep to himself. Unless, Big Pharma is paying him to keep his mouth shut. *adjusts tinfoil hat*