Good news, Walking Dead fans! You’ll now get to enjoy 30 more minutes of action-packed, gut-wrenching season six finale goodness come Sunday, April 3. AMC just revealed the super-sized length of the show to, making it the third 90 minute episode of the season. The season premiere was an hour and a half, along with Morgan’s backstory episode. And if Morgan learning some martial arts and protecting a goat deserves extra time, of course the finale deserves it too.
The second half of season six has pitted the community of Alexandria against the mysterious army of killers known as the Saviors, led by a man known only as Negan. Many fans are starting to suspect we won’t meet Negan until the final episode of the season, which is just one more reason to stretch that episode out and give it the time it needs to tell its story.
It seems 90 minute season finales may become a ‘thing’ now; season five’s finale was extended to the same length as well. Also on many Walking Dead fans’ minds: how the show tends to kill off major characters during premieres and finales. Season five saw a lot of speculation that either Glenn or Morgan might die, and now here we are again with even more characters supposedly on the chopping block for season six.
Fans are looking to the comic books to try and figure out what will happen. They’re paying attention to the gigs Walking Dead actors are signing up for. They’re even wringing their hands over haircuts and post-credit songs. In the end, no one really knows exactly what’s going to happen. We’ll all just have to wait another two weeks – and bite our nails through an extra 30 minutes – to find out.