Authorities Are Prepared To Go To Extraordinary Lengths To Find Prince’s Alleged Drug Suppliers

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Investigators looking into Prince’s death are trying to track down anyone who may have provided the late singer with drugs. According to an anonymous law-enforcement source cited by The Hollywood Reporter, authorities are tracking down pharmacies, doctors and even online sources where Prince might have acquired painkillers.

According to the source, who asked not to be named as they are not cleared to speak to the media, officials have reportedly seized computers from Prince’s Paisley Park home to see if he purchased drugs off the internet. They added that law enforcement officials are trying to determine whether any doctors might have overprescribed painkillers to Prince or offered him drugs without a required physical.

Though Prince allegedly spoke with two doctors about getting treatment for opioid addiction just before he died, neither doctor has been accused of any crimes. Police also spoke with a Dr. Michael Todd Schulenberg who saw Prince twice the month he died and prescribed him medication. He also has not been accused of anything illegal.

While it was denied at first by Prince’s associates, it seems Prince did indeed have drugs in his system at the time of his death and at least one person claims to know where investigators should look to find the supplier. Sinead O’ Connor is currently staring down a $5 million defamation lawsuit for very publicly claiming that Arsenio Hall was Prince’s source for painkillers and other substances, but he has flatly denied those accusations.

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)