This is the worst. Food trends are getting out of control and they’re ruining everything. Rainbow grilled cheese? Give us a break. That doesn’t sound good, that sounds like it would make your poop weird. And mufgels? It’s like Gretchen Weiners desperately trying to make fetch happen. This crap shouldn’t be happening. And this latest trend, “fairy floss ice cream” is the final straw. We’re putting our foot down.
Ice cream is sacred. It should be cherished, not dressed up and paraded around like some 7-year-old pageant queen with fake teeth, too much makeup, and butt glue to make her bikini stay in place. Ice cream doesn’t need fake teeth, makeup, and butt glue. And it definitely doesn’t need a web of cotton candy to make it worth your while. It’s a simple pleasure that should be eaten and enjoyed, nothing more, nothing less.
We could deal with the black ice cream that surfaced this summer and we even appreciate the sentiment (but still wonder about the exploitation) over at the Museum of Ice Cream. But with ketchup and mayo ice cream and now this shameless ploy to propel cotton candy to stardom on the coat tales of ice cream, we’ve finally decided enough is enough.
Sure, this fairy floss ice cream stuff is pretty, we’ll give you that.
In fact, it’s some of the most aesthetically pleasing stuff we’ve seen online all day.
But don’t call it ice cream because, the truth is, half the time we can’t even see the ice cream! Don’t taint the dairy world’s most valuable product with cheap frills. Call it something else. Call it a “fairy floss cone party.” But please, don’t drag ice cream through the mud, it doesn’t deserve the abuse. It’s done nothing to deserve a superficial, exploitative relationship.
All we know is we’re looking forward to fall when everyone’s favorite seasonal pies are served with churros and croissants pouring out of them. We’re counting down the days.
(Via Elite Daily)