Reporter Cusses Out Magician On-Air After His Trick Scares The Crap Out Of Her

Prior to this morning, I had no idea how much I enjoyed videos of frightened reporters cussing out magicians. It turns out the answer is “a lot.” Like, so much. So very, very much. It might even be my new favorite thing. I mean, I probably need to sleep on it before I decide for sure, but I really don’t see how I can rule it out at this point.

So thank you, magician Justin Willman, for doing this glass-breaking trick that caused KTLA reporter Allie McKay to freak all the way the hell out and shout “YOU GOTTA WARN ME OF THIS SH-T” straight into her microphone. You have made my day. And if you have any interest in doing this more often — perhaps as part of a town-to-town barnstorming fright tour that you turn into a feature-length documentary titled Good Night and Good AAAHHH F-CK — I will be happy to donate up to $25 to your Kickstarter. I smell Oscar.

(via ClipNation)