I don’t get eclipses. (A lot of smart people at UPROXX know a lot about these things. I do not.) I understand they’re made out of science, they’re very easy to pretend to like and Dracula probably has strong feelings about them. That’s about it which makes the intro to Friday’s Late Show with Stephen Colbert such a colossal help for a solar eclipse dummies like me.
Possessing the helpful title “Do NOT Look Directly At The Eclipse!” we’re whisked away to an exciting educational film. As our narration rolls on over filmstrip-friendly footage, our narrator tells his story about what happened to him when he looked at an eclipse. IF ONLY HIS EYES WERE SCORCHED OUT INSTEAD!
Solar Eclipse Fever also gripped the monologue with host Stephen Colbert gushing about his excitement for the phenomenon. Colbert’s enthusiasm for the solar eclipse was embraced by the crowd, although a large chunk were fairly touchy when the CBS presenter included a quick (and earned) jab at Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign strategy.
“Millions of Americans will see it because the eclipse will past right over the middle of the United States,” notes Colbert. “Right OVER THE MIDDLE just like Hillary Clinton during the campaign.”
Colbert’s commentary is worthy of a watch (as always) and possibly something you can consult with your optometrist about.