Taylor Swift Is Talking To Her Fans On Instagram And They Are In Full Freak Out Mode

Everyone likes attention. It’s as human of a trait as breathing air or drinking water. But you’d figure for someone like Taylor Swift, who recently had a No. 1 single and, come November 10, will be front-and-center with her new album Reputation, might enjoy this calm before the storm.

No, Swift is ready for the storm. And rather than releasing a new song or video or providing a media appearance, Swift has turned to a much more relatable avenue: Social media. Yeah, though the pop star had recently been in a self-imposed social media blackout, she’s now back and highly active, dropping notes on fans’ posts and live streams, giving them props for everything from their ensembles to their cats. This is very similar to the tack she took on her 1989 album cycle, when she hung out with fans and invited them into her home for cookies and heart to hearts.

Knowing that Swift is out there lurking in the social media shadows might be just the prerogative her fans need to up their social media presence in the coming weeks. Time will tell if this is a larger campaign that will conclude with some sort of release, or if it truly is just Swift using her Insta account to make the days of a few lucky fans. Regardless, fans like these are absolutely losing it over the interactions, as they should be.

