Drake Loves Big Checks So He Donated $50,000 To A University Of Miami Student

Via Instagram

Drake is in love with very few things, mostly his bed and his mother, but he does love philanthropy as well. Just a day removed from his surprise appearance at a Miami Senior High School, where he donated $25,000 in lieu of shooting the video for his no. 1 single “God’s Plan,” Drake made another huge donation to a University of Miami student named Destiny James.

Drake popped up at Destiny’s school by surprise, after being told that she was going to shoot a video on the importance of scholarships. Of course, Drizzy was there to greet her with — what else — a really, really big check. He’s on a roll with the epically big paper checks this week, as he just gave the aforementioned high school one of their own — and new OVO-branded uniforms to boot.

All jokes aside, Destiny’s story was so inspiring, that it somehow made its way to the rapper’s attention, which inspired him to show his appreciation for her hard work. In her heartfelt post about the event, it’s not hard to see why her story was so inspiring. She goes on to thank Drake and OVO for noticing her hard work, before signing off with the very on-brand quote of “God’s Plan.”