Kanye West Called Into Hot 97 To Tell Ebro One Very Important Thing

Every day it gets harder and harder to tell if Kanye West has gone off the deep end, if he’s 100 percent sincere, or if he’s just elaborately trolling us all for attention with a ridiculous spate of GOOD Music albums supposedly on the way, but one thing is for sure: His weirdness is consistently and bizarrely captivating, entertaining, and surprising — you never know what he’ll do next.


Case in point, his latest stunt involved an unexpected response to Hot 97’s Ebro Darden after the gruff radio personality lambasted West yesterday during his show. After West tweeted in support of conservative commentator Candace Owens, Ebro and his cohosts delivered a rollicking , 16-minute explainer for his seemingly Trump-supporting tweets and why they hurt, confused, or angered many of Kanye’s longtime fans and supporters. While they weren’t exactly kind to Kanye, they weren’t totally disrespectful either, surmising that ultimately, Kanye likes Trump because Trump was nice to him at a low point in his life.

Today, though, Kanye called into Hot 97 to speak his piece, except what actually happened is he simply kept repeating “I love you” in response to Ebro’s questions, to the confusion of the hosts. He seemed to be in good spirits, but refused to talk about the music or his tweets, offering to speak with Ebro in person before giving a radio interview. If it’s a troll, it’s one of the most masterful mind games anyone’s ever played with the rambunctious Ebro In The Morning crew, and if it was just “New” Kanye’s pacifistic way of blowing off steam, it certainly seems more productive than his old approach to radio host provocation. In either case, Kanye’s certainly built even more anticipation for his new music — if only so we can all finally get an explanation of just what he’s thinking lately.