Apparently Drake Has Unfollowed Kim Kardashian After Kanye’s Latest Accusatory Twitter Rant

It looks like at least one of the weird trends from 2018 won’t stay there, following us into the new year: Kanye’s Twitter venting sessions, which became a fairly regular occurrence in the back of the year, have continued into 2019, with their usual, confusing results. However, it looks like the target of many of his most recent rants, Drake, has resolved to make some changes in the new year — namely, unfollowing Kanye’s wife, Kim Kardashian, on Instagram, possibly as a result of Kanye calling him out on it.

During Kanye’s latest rant, which took place on New Year’s Eve of all days, he pointed out that the younger rapper was following Kim on Instagram despite their ongoing, possibly one-sided feud. “Don’t Follow My F*cking Wife,” he wrote, also alluding to various lines and perceived disses from over the years. “This man used my family in a song to get at me. He been trying to pick fight since the pool line [from Drake track “Summer Sixteen:],” another tweet mentioned. “[Whose] bright idea was it to tell Drake to follow my wife on Instagram? This person is not [Drake’s] friend.” Another read: “He followed my wife on Instagram he mentioned Pusha’s fiancé in a song.” The tweets have since been deleted, but it looks like the message was received loud and clear.

Vibe reported that Drake unfollowed Kim on Instagram sometime since Kanye’s rant, as her screen name is nowhere to be found in his follows list now. Whether that means he’s conceded a round to Kanye or is just waiting out the heat before he terrorizes him again with a re-follow remains to be seen.