The Funniest Twitter Jokes About Super Bowl LIII And The Halftime Show

Super Bowl LIII is finally done boring viewers with its lack of point scoring and preponderance of commercials for tax software. But some interesting things did come out of the big game. We got to see new teasers for Avengers: Endgame, The Handmaid’s Tale, Toy Story 4, and Jordan Peele’s Us and his The Twilight Zone reboot. The Bud Knight finally died (dilly dilly in hell, you smug bastard). The halftime show involved Maroon 5, Travis Scott, Big Boi, and a lost shirt. SpongeBob SquarePants even made a surprise appearance during the halftime show, a too short appearance according to some.

On Twitter, people were reacting to the game in real time, which involved a lot of jokes at Maroon 5’s expense:

This tweet is perhaps more accurate than she intended it to be, as several people also tweeted pictures of pillows purchased at Target that resembled the Maroon 5 frontman:

Other items around the house were also compared to Adam Levine:

And he still didn’t escape the jokes when he took his shirt off.

Twitter users joked about more than just the halftime show, but there were a lot of jokes about the halftime show:

People also shared vital information about Super Bowl history and how to tell if something is football or hockey:

But perhaps more than anything, folks complained about how uneventful this game was, it being the lowest-scoring Super Bowl ever.

(Hat tip to Mashable and Buzzfeed)