The Jonas Brothers Are Celebrating The One-Year Anniversary Of Their Massive Comeback

The Jonas Brothers have been back together since February 2019, and it just so happens that today is the one year anniversary of the news about their reunion. Happiness Begins came out in June of last year, and it’s a sweetly nostalgic ode to growing up that put them back on the map in a big way, including that first hit single, “Sucker.”

But now that their reunion tour has been as successful as it was, they have another new album in the works, too. This new record was apparently done just a few weeks after Happiness Begins, and the lead single, “What A Man Gotta Do,” has already become a fan favorite in its own right.

Still, none of this would’ve happened without the excitement fans showed when the brothers announced their return last February, and this weekend is all about celebrating that. “Insane to think that this time last year we had just officially shared the big news with you guys that we were releasing music together again,” they wrote on Twitter today. “It’s incredible to reflect on how crazy supportive you guys have been all year. We weren’t sure if anyone would love Sucker like we did, and to see how this song & the others from #HappinessBegins, have been a part of your lives is… wow. We’re so grateful you guys keep coming back. We’re so happy to have the best fans in the world. We’re the lucky ones. ”

Aww, that’s sweet. All of us are lucky.